Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Temple tour 2023

I am blogging after many years (more than a decade). This blog is about my temple visit in Mar 2023. Although I have visited these temples many times in the last 10+ years, the visit in 2023 was special for a few reasons. First, I had the company of my wife. Second, the COVID lockdown meant that I was robbed of these experiences for several years. Hence, this visit in 2023 felt very special and offered an opportunity to turn inward and remind myself of all the great spiritual heritage of these temples, the legends and stories associated with these kshEtras, and the great music that has sprung forth from realized souls in these puNya kshetras. Visiting these kshEtras every now and then is one way to get closer to our composers and get a sense for the source of inspiration for their compositions.  

Below is a travelogue in chronological order of my visits.

Brihadeeshwara Temple (Periyakovil), Thanjavur

The bRhadIshvara temple at tanjAvUr or periyakovil is a grand, magnificent, and beautiful temple with a lot of history.  I have visited this temple many times since childhood. The main deity is Lord brhadIshvara and his spouse is Goddess brhannAyakI. Of course, ponniyin selvan, that is the great and legendary king rAja rAja cOzha came to mind here since he is the one under whose leadership great temple was constructed over a 1000 years ago.

Below is a documentary on this temple. The gOpuram is special, in that a lot of thinking went behind the installation of the crown-stone - which is a single piece of stone - after rest of  the tall gOpuram was built. This is a stellar example of the engineering principles that were applied thousands of years ago.  

I sang the following compositions which are associated with the deities here: ambA nIlAmbarI (in nIlAmbarI rAga by poNNiah piLLai), mAyAtIta svarUpiNi (in mAyA mALva gowLa by ponniah piLLai), sATilEni (in pUrvi kalyAni by ponniah piLLai), bRhadIshvarAya namastE (in shankarAbharaNam by muttusvAmI dikshitar), and bRhannAyakI (in AndhALI by muttusvAmI dikshitar). 

In Sanskrit, the word "bRhat" means large. Indeed the Ishvara in the form of a linga and the temple gOpuram here are large! 

Here is a rendition of sATilEni guruguha recorded during the lockdown days during the pandemic. 

In this composition, shrI poNNiah piLLai says, 

sATilEni guruguha mUrtini nE A nATanunDi namminAnu

mETi migala tanja brhadIsha mElaina mAdhurya vAkkulIyavE 

(I have placed my faith on the incomparable (sATi lEni) form of the Lord - who is in the form of the Guru who in turn resides in the cave of the heart - for a long time. Oh Lord bRhadIsha of tanjAvUr, you are one with many noble qualities! Please bestow sweet eloquence upon me!).

And here is a rendition of bRhannAyakI in the rAga AndhALi by Smt. T. Brinda.

After spending time at this magnificent temple and its beautiful gardens, and practicing the grand compositions, I moved on to the bangAru kAmAkshI temple nearby.


Bangaru Kamakshi temple, Thanjavur

This temple is very close to the tanjAvUr periyakovil. It is special for Carnatic musicians since the main idol (vigraha) of kAmAkshI in this temple is the very idol that was worshipped by shrI shyAmA shAstrI. kAmAkshI is kAncIpura-vAsini, that is, One who lives in kAncIpuram. How then is She in tanjAvUr? It is said that this vigraha is made of gold (hence, "bangAru" kAmAkshI; bangAru means golden in telugu) and was originally in kAncIpuram. shyAmA shAstrI's ancestors brought it to tanjAvUr fearing the Nizam rulers.  

I sang mAyammA in nATTaikkurinji in this shrine and sang several other shyAmA shAstrI compositions during the circumambulation around the shrine.

It was a divine experience to sing here and pay respects to shyAmA shAstrI. We returned home after this. 

Before we move on, let's listen to a rendition of shyAmA shAstri's dEvI brOva in the rAga cintAmaNi.


The main deity in tiruvaiyyARu is panchanadIshwara (aiyyArappa in Taml). ambAL is dharmasamvarddhani. All greats have sung here, starting from the tEvaram mUvar (tirujnAnasambandar, appar, and sundarar), mANikkavAcagar, the Carnatic trinity, and subbaraya shastri. I visited this temple after many years. This time, I sang ninnu vinA gati gAna of subbarAya shAstri, dharmasamvarddhani of dikshitar, karuNa jUDavamma, ilalo praNatArthi, muccata brahmA of thyagaraja, and Osai oli ellAm of appar. Very divine place.  

An interesting tidbit about the name of this place:

tiru + ai + ARu = (respectable) + pancha + nadI

There are five rivers around thiruvaiyyARu of which one is kAvErI and the other four are more like tributaries of kAvErI. Hence the name tiruvaiyyARu. The four rivers/ tributaries are arasalARu (or airisilARu), vennARu, veTTARu, and kuDamuruttiyARu.

There is a very interesting story associated with this kshEtra about the great saint tirunAvukkarasar who is also known as appar. cEkkizhAr's periya purANam mentions that appar began a trip northward by foot with the goal to reach kAshI and then kailAsa . But his health did not permit him. He prayed to Lord Shiva at kALahastI seeking his help who in turn came in the guise of a saint and asked him to take a dip in a pond nearby. When he took a dip in that pond, appar found himself in tiruvaiyyARu. He rushed to the temple to praise the Lord and it is believed that the Lord aiyyArappa and Goddess dharmasamvarddhanI gave him  the vision of kailAsa.

Let's now listen to Osai oli ellAm, a tEvAram of appar which was composed by him in tiruvaiyyARu. The below video is from the famous movie rAja rAja cozhan. The singer is Sirkazhi Shri Govindarajan.

 Tyagaraja Swami Samadhi, Thiruvaiyaru 

After visiting the main temple at tiruvaiyyARu, we visited tyAgarAja svAmI's samAdhi nearby. It is this very temple where the annual tyAgarAja ARAdhanA is held on the puSya bhaula pancamI day which typically falls during middle of January.  The temple was mostly empty when we visited, hence we got a very good darshan, and some quiet space to sing tyAgarAja svAmI's compositions and pay homage to the great composer and saint.  I sang rAma nannu brOva, rAma bhakti, sukhi evvarO, Emi nEramu, and muccaTa brahmA.

The construction of this shrine here was led by Bangalore Nagaratnammal. She was also responsible for bringing different groups of people that were organizing the tyAgarAja ArAdhanA together into a single consolidated event. This consolidation was in turn responsible for making the tyAgarAja ArAdhanA an event of national importance.

An interesting feature of this temple is that the  inner walls of the prakAra are covered with marble slabs with inscriptions of the tyAgarAja svAmI's kritis in various languages.

Thus ended my trip to tiruvaiyyARu and I headed back home. 


tiruvaNNAmalai is a kshEtra with deep spiritual significance. It is said that “To see cidambaram, to be born at tiruvArUr, to die at vAraNAsi, or merely think of tiruvaNNAmalai is to be assured of Liberation.” Those who know me will rightly have guessed that this will be among the lengthiest sections of this travelogue 😀. 

A lot can be said about this kshEtra. You can read more about the legend of this place here. My favorite description of this place is by tirujnAnasambandar in his tEvAram "jnAnattiraLAy ninRa perumAn", which loosely translated means, "the Lord who is the aggregate of spiritual knowledge." tiraL also means cluster, or lump. So this phrase is subtly referring to the aruNAcala hill which cannot be missed here. 

In this kshEtra, the aruNAcala hill is worshipped as Lord shiva Himself. aruNa means fire and acala means mountain. So arunAcala literally means "mountain of fire". However, aruNa figuratively refers to the fire of True knowledge (that is, knowledge of the Self) that burns ignorance. Hence aruNAcala is considered to imply "the mountain of knowledge" which is consistent with tirujnAnasambandar's epithet for the Lord of tivuvaNNAmalai. 

The Lord here is aruNAcalEshvara (aNNAmlaiyAr in Tamil). This kshEtra is one of the panchabhUta sthalas (shiva temples corresponding to each of the five elements) corresponding to the fire element since the Lord here was originally in the form of a column of fire (read legend of this place here). In his composition aruNAcalanAtham in the rAga sAranga on Lord aruNAcalEshvara, muttusvAmI dikshitar has very beautifully incorporated the use of the Sanskrit syllable "ra" (र्) which is associated with fire throughout the composition. He also very intelligently starts the composition with aruNAcalanAtham smarAmi (I think of the Lord aruNAcalanAtha). He uses the verb smarAmi (I think) rather than  other verbs as a subtle reference to the legend that merely thinking of aruNAcala results in liberation. 

tiruvaNNAmalai is about a four hour drive from Chennai. I left Chennai around 5 AM and reached tiruvaNNAmalai around 8:30. There is something magical about aruNAcala. When I first got a glimpse of aruNAcala, tears rolled down my eyes without me knowing it. I had not seen aruNAcala for several years and the first glimpse was enough to remind me of all that aruNAcala stands for - the fire of true knowledge, the knowledge of the Self. 

I first went to the Ramanashramam, visited the mAtrubhUtEshvara shrine, Bhagavan Shri Ramana Maharshi's samAdhi, and the meditation hall. I meditated in the meditation hall. My mind seemed to have come to a standstill. All thoughts ceased. I ceased to exist!

It was time for the Ashram to close for lunch. I had lunch in the Ashram and then encouraged by an internal inspiration , I began walking up the hill toward Skandashramam which is the Ashram where Bhagavan Ramana Maharshi stayed for many years before coming down to the current Ramanashramam. It was noon and the temperature must have been 40°C or more. I was barefoot and couldn't stand in a spot for more than a second. Nevertheless, the same source of inspiration that created the urge in me to go up also guided me through this climb. I kept chanting Bhagavan's aruNAcala aksharamaNamAlai and aruNAcala pancaratnam during the climb up to Skandashramam. One of the best parts of this climb is the view of the temple from aruNAcala. Below is a video I managed to take. It was a challenge taking this video because I couldn't stand stably for too long in the heat. 

Before continuing my narration, let's take a moment to remember aruNAcala who is smaraNAt kaivalya (One who grants Liberation merely upon thinking). Here is a rendition of Bhagavan Ramana Mahrshi' aruNAcala pancaratnam. 

After visiting Skandashramam and meditating there, I moved on to visit the virUpAksha cave. The virUpAksha cave is downhill from Skandasharamam. Bhagavan Ramana Maharshi was first brought here from the pAtALa linga shrine at the tirvaNNAmalai temple by devotees. He spent many years here before moving to Skandashramam. After meditating for a while here, I moved back up to Skandashramam and then down to the main Ramanashramam. On my way back up and then down, I kept chanting the aruNAcala aksharamaNamAlai and aruNAcala pancaratnam. In addition, I remembered another beautiful composition of Bhagavan - the appaLam pATTu. Take a few minutes to listen to it before moving on!


I stayed at the Ramanashramam for a few more hours before going to the temple. Lord aruNAcalEshvara gave me fantastic darshan - from very close quarters in the sanctum sanctorum.  I couldn't have asked for more. The goddess of this temple is known as uNNAmulai amman or apIta-kucAmba. After visiting the main shrines, I visited the pAtALa linga shrine where Bhagavan Ramana Maharshi spent eighteen months in deep meditation, forgetting his body and the world.  On the way to the shrine, during circumambulation, and on the way back, I remembered many compositions that have been composed here. aruNAcalanAtham by muthusvAmI dikhitar, uNNAmulai umaiyALoDum (a tEvAram by tirujnAnasambandar), vAnanai (a tEvAram by tirunAvukkarasar/ appar), and several of aruNagirinAthar's tirppugazh. 

Here is a recording of vAnanai by students sung several years ago.

 Take a look at one of the gOpurams of this temple.

This gopuram is special even though it is not the main gopuram of the temple. aruNagirinAthar - the composer of tiruppugazh - was from tiruvaNNAmalai. Before becoming a saint, he was entrenched in bad habits. Once, out of deep frustration, he decided to commit suicide by jumping from this very gopuram. However, Lord subrahmaNya - whose shrine is between this and the main gopuram of the temple- is said to have saved him and blessed him to compose hymns. aruNagirinathar went on to compose the tiruppugazh, kandar anubhUti, kandar alankAram, etc.

The way to identify this gopuram is to look at the far left corner- there is a parrot. Upon his death, aruNagirinAthar is said to have transformed into a parrot. Read this for more information (scroll to the end).

Let's now listen to cemmAn magaLai, a verse from kandar anubhUti and Eru mayil Eri, a tirupugazh.

cemmAn magaLai:

Eru mayil:

Did I miss doing the famous girivalam i.e. the circumambulation around the aruNAcala hill? Of course not! I made another trip to tiruvaNNAmalai for this purpose - this time along  with family. We started the girivalam at about 8 PM after darshan at the temple. The temple was very crowded as it was the day after the Tamil New Year. It took us over 3 hours to cover to the main shrine and ambAL's shrine. We were very tired after this. And the heat did not help at all. Nevertheless, we embarked upon the girivalam - which is a good 14 km walk - and slowly finished around 2:30 AM after multiple stops on the way. The occasional sight of aruNAcala in the moonlight was really divine.

Bhagavan Shri Ramana Maharshi composed the aksharamaNamAlai while doing girivalam. It was  a divine experience to chant this while walking around the hill. I also remembered Bhagavan's other compositions including few verses of the uLLadu nArppadu that I have memorized.

Let's listen to a few verses from uLLadu nArppadu before moving on. Senior devotees of Bhagavan hail the uLLadu nArppadu as a very important composition.  

As I left tiruvaNNAmalai for the second time, I remembered Bhagavan Ramana Maharshi's saying  "In the end everyone must come to Arunachala."


This is among my most favorite temples since tyAgarAja svAmI, muttusvAmI dikshitar, and shyAmA shAstrI were all born in tiruvArUr and must have grown up and played in this temple. It is said that for those who are born in tiruvArUr, moksha is confirmed. The Carnatic trinity were blessed without doubt to be born in tiruvArUr. It’s indeed the play of the Divine grace that they were all born within a few decades of each other and few streets apart from each other in this town. I remembered many legends, stories, and compositions here. Read on....

In tiruvArUr, it is really shiva by name valmIkanAtha that is the main and the older deity. However, over time, shiva in the form of tyAgarAja became more prominent. Both are considered to be the same, so one finds reference to valmIkanAtha and tyAgarAja in the same compositions. They are also referred to as ArUrA and tyAgEsha - one can find those epithets in compositions- especially those of pApanAsam sivan (see for example, parAmukham yEnayyA and malariNai tuNaiyE). 

Here is parAmukham yEnayyA of pApanAsam sivan. 

valmIka in sanskrit means an ant-hill. The Lord here gets this name because he incarnated into an ant-hill to protect the dEvas from vishNu who set out to destroy them (see legend here: muttusvAmi dikshitar makes reference to valmIkanAtha in his tyAgarAja vibhakti kritis (see for example, tyAgarAja pAlayAshumAm in gowLa rAga).

The tyAgarAja shrine is what tiruvArUr is known for. In fact, the composer tyAgarAja was named after the shiva in the form of tyAgarAja. Lord tyAgarAja - unlike other shiva shrines - is in the form of sOmAskanda (sa+umA+skanda). That is, he is with pArvatI and subrahmanya svAmI, and not in linga form. Other temples also have the sOmAskanda mUrti but they don’t enjoy the same attention as tiruvArUr tyAgarAja svAmI.

tiruvArUr tyAgarAja svAmI is indeed special. According to legend, mahAviShNu Himself created the idol (vigraha), worshipped it, and gifted it to indra. Once, the great king mucukunda helped indra in defeating a demon. In return, mucukunda requested indra to present him with the tyAgarAja idol. indra did not want to part with it. So he created six other identical idols and asked mucukunda to pick the original one. mucukunda picked the right idol. Pleased with mucukunda, indra handed him all seven idols. The idol in tiruvArUr is the one worshipped by indra and mahAviShNu. The remaining idols are said to be in temples around tiruvArUr. muttusvAmI dikshitar’s tyAgarAjAya namaste in bEgaDa has reference to this legend in the first two lines of the caraNam (mukundAdi-pUjita-sOmAskanda-mUrtayE  and mucukundAdi-bhaktajana-manoratha-pUrtayE).

Unlike other shiva shrines, tyAgarAja svAmI receives a lot of attention in terms of alankAram (decoration) and vazhippADu (pUja sequence). The evening sequence goes on for an hour or more - similar to how it is conducted for venkaTAcalapati. He is taken out in procession- within the temple and sometimes in the streets (for example, during the panguni uttiram tErOTTam festival when the Lord is taken in procession on the grand temple chariots ) - with a special type of movement called ajapA naTanam. muttusvami dikshitar refers to the ajapA naTanam in tyAgarAja pAlayAshu mAm in the last line of the caraNam.

In many compositions on Lord tyAgarAja, he is referred to as “vIthi viTanka”. See for example, pallavi of tyAgarAja pAlayAshu mAm and caraNam of malariNai tuNaiyE in rItigowla. In Sanskrit, viTanka means “unsculpted”. In the context of Tamil literature (e.g. tEvArams), the phrase refers to the beautiful Lord tyAgarAja who is taken in procession around streets (vIthi).

tyAgarAjAya namaste in bEgaDa also contains a couple of more interesting details about the shrines in this temple. In front of the valmIkanAtha shrine, there is a mirror in which one can find the reflection of the Lord. This is referred to in the caraNam line mukura-bimba-pratibimbita-mukha-sphUrtayE (One whose face’s glow is reflected in a mirror).

The composition also mentions akathAdi-trirEkhAtmakAdhara-pravRttayE - that is, One whose seat is of the form of a triangle with the three edges representing the letters a, ka, and tha. I’m still figuring what this refers to.

The tErOTTam (chariot) festival around March is very famous. The tyAgarAja idol is taken in procession across the streets on the grand temple chariots (tEr). Thousands throng to witness this event every year. We visited the temple on the day right after this year’s tErOTTam to avoid crowds.

Let us listen to tyAgarAjAya namastE in bEgaDa rAga by Shri K.S. Narayanaswami. 

Apart from the tyAgarAja and valmIkanAtha shrines, the temple has many smaller shiva shrines. muttusvAmi dikshitar has composed kritis on many of them. Examples include sadAcalEshwaram (bhUpAlam) and hATakEshwara samraksha (bilahari) respectively on the acalaEshvara and hATakEshvara shrines. The famous song vAtApi gaNapatim is also associated with a gaNapati shrine in this temple.

Let us now listen to vAtApi gaNapatim before moving on.

Among the tEvAram composers, sundarar has composed many tEvArams in this temple since he spent many years here. Below is one of my favorite tEvArams by sundarar in kAmbOdi rAga sung by students.

In tiruvArUr, ambAL has two forms. Goddess nIlOtpalAmbA is the consort of valmIkanAtha. Goddess kamalAmbA has a separate shrine and is in yogic posture. muttusvAmI dikshitar has composed on both these forms. Goddess kamalAmbA is among the three forms of ambAL (apart from kAmAkshI and lalitA tripurasundarI) that are in sitting posture. It is with Goddess kamalAmba as the underlying deity that muttusvAmi dikshitar has composed the magnificent navAvaraNa kritis. Each of these kritis is based on an AvaraNa (layer) of the shrI cakra - which is a yantra (diagram) used by dEvI upAsakas (worshippers) in their worship - but refer to kamalAmbA as the physical form of dEvI. kamalAmbA is “vinOda-caranA” (one whose feet display a unique posture) as described in the dhyAna kriti - kamalAmbikE - in tODi. This kriti also includes a reference to the famous temple pond called kamalAlayam (kamalAlaya-tIrtha-vaibhavE). 

Let us now listen to a few of the kamalAmbA navAvaraNa kritis. 

I sang a few of the navavarana compositions outside of ambAL's shrine in front of the below painting. 

In recent times, this painting of dikshitar and kamalAmbA were made in the walls right outside the kamalAmbA sannidhi. In addition, the lyrics of the navAvaraNa kritis in Tamil and Sanskrit have been inscribed in marble in these walls. It was a nice experience singing in front of the painting.

I was unable to visit the homes of tyAgarAja svAmI, muttusvAmI dikshitar, and shyAmA shAstrI as it was getting late. I have visited these several times in the past and hope to visit next time. Nevertheless, the temple at tiruvArUr always has me in awe every time I visit. It’s always a new experience, something new to learn, discover, and study about this temple, its legends, and associated compositions. I am hoping to visit this kshEtra with students and friends some day, sing all the great compositions that were composed here, and get inspired by the greatness of the shrines which very likely would have inspired the Carnatic trinity too.


After many years, a dream came true. muttusvAmI dikshitar’s annapUrNe vishAlAkshI was composed, not in kAshI as one might think, but in a small town called kuzhikkarai (or kuLikkarai as it is called now). We visited this temple dring this trip and I sang this composition as offering. The main deity of this small temple near tiruvArUr is Lord vishvanAtha. ambAL is Goddess annapUrNA dEvI.

Here is a portion of annapUrNE vishAlAkshI in the rAga sAma. This is from a recording that was taken at the temple: 

In the composition, dikshitar has codified the name of the town as “garta-tIra” in the anupallavi which literally translates to “kuzhi-karai” in tamil (unnata-garta-tIra-vihAriNi). kzhikkarai literally translates to "banks of a pit". Apparently, many years ago, this place was a low-lying area. Water would accumulate here during monsoons creating problems for agriculture. Hence people decided to organize agriculture outside of the village, giving an impression that the agriculture is being conducted in the “banks” of a “pit”. Hence the name kuzhikkarai.

This temple is said to be more than 450 years old. It is not old enough for tEvArams to have been sung here. It is said to have been built for those who couldn’t travel to kAshI and is referred to as "madhya kAshI".

muttusvAmI diskhitar's magnum opus shrI vishvanAtham is said to be composed here as well. Let's now listen to a rendition of this caturdasha rAgamAlikA (garland of fourteen rAgas) by the legendary musician M. L. Vasanthakumari.

Following this, I went to Trichy.


The above picture is from tiruvAnaikkAval in Trichy. I visited this temple after many years. This is where jambUpatE and akhilANDEshwari were composed by shrI muthusvAmI dikshitar. This inscription is a very revealing depiction of the temple and its legend. It is found without color in the main sannidhi of the temple. 

tiruvAnaikkAval is one of the panchabhUta sthalams (shiva temples corresponding to each of the five elements) corresponding to the water element. Hence the lord is also referred to as “appu-lingam”. appu means water (Apas/ Apah in Sanskrit).

jambUpati literally means the Lord of the jambU. jambU refers to the jambU tree (java apple) which this place is famous for. A special feature of the jambU fruit here is that it is white.

The legend is that an elephant and spider worshipped shiva here. The spider would protect the shiva lingam with a web, and the elephant would bring flowers. Later, they started competing against each other and killed themselves. The Lord, out of his infinite mercy and grace, bestowed human birth to his two devotees. They were born as kings who are then said to have built this magnificent temple.

Since the Lord was protected/ worshipped by an elephant, the place is called tiru+Anai+ kA (place protected by the elephant). In fact this place is said to have many elephants. In jambUpatE, dikshitar refers to the Lord as “sAmajATavInilaya svaybhO” (The svayambhu - that is, self created linga- who resides in the forest of elephants). The picture above clearly indicates a forest full of elephants.

Let us now listen to jambUpatE in yamunA kalyANi.

Such a masterpiece!

In tiruvAnaikkAval, ambAL is called akhilANDeshvarI. She is said to have performed severe penance here to obtain the grace of the Lord. While the attribution of the composition akhilANDeshwarI to muthuswami dikshitar is doubted, the other main composition he has composed here is shrI mAtAh in begada. 

akhilANDeshwarI is said to have been in “ugra” or fierce form. In order to appease her, Adi Shankaracharya installed a shrine of Her son, gaNapati, right in front of Her! He also installed two big ear rings with the shrI chakra in her ears. There is reference to this in the composition shrI mAtAh (shrI-cakra-rUpa-tATankE).

Let us now listen to shrI mAtAh. This is a recording from a concert in 2015.

It was wonderful visiting this temple after many years, remembering the above legends and compositions. The Lord here is truly nirvikalpaka-samAdhi-niSTha-shiva kalpakataru - that is, one who is in steadfast unison with the Supreme Entity, and bestows that state upon devotees like the kalpavRksha tree.


After tiruvAnaikkAval, I visited shrIrangam. This is the gOpuram at the great temple here. The presiding deity is Lord mahAviShNu in the form of ranganAyaka/ ranganAtha. My group of students and myself practiced ranganAyakam which is muttusvAmI dikshitar's composition in rAga nAyakI only recently. So it was very timely to visit this shrine and sing the composition. In addition, I sang O rangashAyI, rAju vEDalE, and vinarAda nA which are all part of the shrIrangam pancaratnam compositions that tyAgarAja svAmi composed in shrIrangam during his visit to this place. I also refreshed some pAcurams of toNDaraDippoDi Azhwar that I learned recently.

shrIrangam is hailed by vaishNavas as being the most important among mahAvishNu temples (the corresponding shiva temple is cidambaram). Here, Lord ranganAyaka is in ananta-shayana form (he’s lying down on Adi shESha). This idol (vigraham) is said to have been worshipped by the ikshvAku clan (solar dynasty) in which Lord rAma was born. In ranganAyakam, muttusvAmI dikshitar has reference to this: He says that ranganAyaka is dina-maNi-kula-bhava-rAghavArAdhanam. That is, one who is worshipped by rAghava who was born in the Solar dynasty i.e. dina-maNi-kula. After his victory over rAvaNa and returning to ayOdhyA, Lord rAma presented this vigraha to vibhIShaNa -who was rAvaNa’s brother and had surrendered to rAma much before the war between rAma and rAvaNa. vibhIShaNa intended to carry this vigraha to Lanka from where he hailed but circumstances led him to place the vigraha in shrIrangam. The Lord wouldn’t budge from here. The composition ranganAyakam also has reference to this legend (nata-vibhIShaNam). The temple was built later by kings.

The temple complex is huge. It has many shrines, including for visvaksEna - who is supposed to be the commander-in-chief of mahAviShNu’s army - rAma, dhanvantarI, and rAmAnujAcArya. There’s reference to vishvaksEna in ranganAyakam: gaNapati-samAna-vishvaksEnam (One whose commander-in-chief vishvaksEna is similar in strength to Lord gaNEsha). 

An important feature of the temple is the golden vimAna (or shrine) which is supposed to be in the shape of Om - which is referred to as the praNava mantra - or the primordial syllable. dikshitar makes a reference to this as well - praNavAkAra-divya-vimAnam (One whose vimAna or shrine is of the shape of h praNava mantra Om). The structure right above the sanctum sanctorum is made of gold. Lord rAma is said to have handed the entire structure along with the vigraha to vibhIShaNa.

Goddess mahAlakshmI is referred to as rAnganAyakI in this temple and is duly acknowledged in ranganAyakam right in the pallavi.

The main sanctum was very crowded. Watchmen were pushing people around. Yet, I managed to get good darshanam. A memorable incident occurred as I was being pushed out of the sanctum. Although I went empty handed to visit the Lord, the temple priest thrust a bunch of tulasi and flowers into my hands. Considering that to be a blessing from the Lord, I headed back singing ranganAyakam bhAvayEham ranganAyakI samEtam.

Let us enjoy Semmangudi Srinivasa Iyer's rendition of this composition.

What a great creation by muttusvAmI dikshitar!

Maruthamalai, Coimbatore

The last temple I visited was marutamalai near Coimbatore. This is a very famous temple of subrahmaNya svAmI. I don't know of compositions by mttusvAmI dikhitar in this place but aruNagirinAthar has made reference to this temple in his tiruppugazh.

Here I practiced many compositions on Lord muruga, including shrI subrahmaNyAya namastE, marukkulAviya, tAmadam yEn svAmI, kArtikEya gAngEya, etc.

Here is a rendition of tAmadam yEn svAmI, a composition of pApanAsam sivan in the rAga tODi. This is from a concert in 2018.


Overall, this was a very memorable trip with many deep experiences. I am grateful to the Supreme for making this happen. 

With that, let me thank you for reading and staying with me for so long!

अरुणाचलेश्वराय नमः (aruNAcalEshvarAya namah)

श्री कृष्णार्पणमस्तु  (shrI kRShNArpaNamastu)

1 comment:

Ramah said...

What a beautiful write-up of a rich experience! So much information capsuled in here about our heritage and great music. Even while reading your blog, felt like gave me the feeling of visiting these places with you. A must experience for students of music.