श्रीचक्राङ्कितबिन्दुमध्यवसतीम श्रीमत्सभानायकीम् /
श्रीमत्षण्मुखविघ्नराजजननीम् श्रीमज्जगन्मोहिनीम्
मीनाक्षीम् प्रणतोस्मि सन्ततमहम् कारुण्यवारान्निधिम् //
I (aham) always (santatam) pay my obeisances (praNatosmi) to that ocean of mercy (kAruNyavArAnnidhi), Mother mInAkSi, who is zrividya, and is seated to the left (vAmabhAganilayA) of ziva; Who is effulgent (ujjvalAm)in the form of the hrImkARa mantra; Who is located at the centre most point (bindu) of the zricakra; Who is the queen (nAyakI)of the zrimatsabhA, (which I presume to be the universe), Who is the mother (jananI) of Lord murugA and gaNEza and Who is the delight of the whole universe.
(mInAkSI paJcaratnam -Adi zaGkara)
Note: This post was written by me in 2009 (you can see a comment from then). I suppose I rescinded it at some point for reasons not known to me; but publishing it again now.
It has been a long time since I wrote anything. Anyways, hi everyone. I have been traveling a lot during the last few months and there was this one month when I was busy with exams and moving back to Mumbai (I am a graduate now!). I started with a temple tour in the last week of February. Vijayaneesh, a dear friend accompanied me. We must have covered around 40 temples in a week, without hiring taxis, etc. (Buses in TN rock!!!) After that I went to Shringeri-Shakatapuram for my cousin's Upanayanam and also my kutcheri at the Sharadamba Temple. Finally, in the last week of March I went home for about 10 days. Chittappa gave two memorable kutcheris at Thane and Santa Cruz. The following weekend I performed at Chembur Fine Arts. Everything went off well. I will post very soon on my temple tour.
Coming back to the svarajati, it was composed by zri Ponniah Pillai. This may not be the same Ponniah who has composed "mAyAtIta"(mAyA mALava gowLa) or "nI sari sATi" (kalyANi). This should be his grandson who lived in the 20th century. I will upate about this composer as soon as I get more information. (pl . help!!)
A svarajati is called so, because in such a composition, the swara and jati are interchangeable. The rhythm is subtle and generally slow, the musical content is enormous and the laya patterns often interesting. Most svarajatis are masterpieces in terms of the lyrics and bhAva. This is one among this class.
A svarajati is called so, because in such a composition, the swara and jati are interchangeable. The rhythm is subtle and generally slow, the musical content is enormous and the laya patterns often interesting. Most svarajatis are masterpieces in terms of the lyrics and bhAva. This is one among this class.
The lyrics of this svarajati are as follows:
nI aruLAyO! tAyE ! nIlAyatAkSiyE !
1. nI dAnE nigarillAda mAtA! anAdiyE ! nILum! tamizh- isaiyE!
nI aruLAyO! tAyE ! nIlAyatAkSiyE !
1. nI dAnE nigarillAda mAtA! anAdiyE ! nILum! tamizh- isaiyE!
2: pAda paduma sEvai tandumE emaiyaruL paripuramsEr caraNiyE
nidamunayE satamenuvOrk karuLuga visAlakshIyE vinaiththavirAyO?
nidamunayE satamenuvOrk karuLuga visAlakshIyE vinaiththavirAyO?
3: pAriDamighap- pApa karumam pAparaniDap-pAlam arum tAyE
carAcalamadanil karAvenum ulaga durAshaiyil uzhala viDAdu aruLuvAi
mAri tAnE enAk-kOrinOrArumE nAriyE nalamuravE
carAcalamadanil karAvenum ulaga durAshaiyil uzhala viDAdu aruLuvAi
mAri tAnE enAk-kOrinOrArumE nAriyE nalamuravE
4: nArAyaNi tirumaghaLuDanE bhAratiyumE padam adu tozhudiDa
sadA inimaiyAna isai uLamadAgu nasai perugi ODa isai aruLuvAi
pAshamadE shUzha viDAmE aruLAi IshvariyE unad-aDaikkalamE
ena nI varavE paripUraNa bhairavi nAn nALum unait-tudittananE
sadA inimaiyAna isai uLamadAgu nasai perugi ODa isai aruLuvAi
pAshamadE shUzha viDAmE aruLAi IshvariyE unad-aDaikkalamE
ena nI varavE paripUraNa bhairavi nAn nALum unait-tudittananE
நீ அருளாயோ தாயே! நீலாயதாக்ஷியே!
1.நீதா3னே நிகரில்லாத3 மாதா!அனாதி3யே!நீளும் தமிழிசையே!
2..பாத3பது3ம ஸேவை தந்து3மே எமையருள் பரிபுரம்சேர் ச'ரணியே!
நித3முனையே ச'தமெனுவோர்க் கருளுக3 விசாலாக்ஷியேவினைதவிராயோ?
3..பாரிடமிக3ப் பாபகருமம் பாபரனிடப் பாலமரும் தாயே!
சராசரமத3னில் கராவெனும் உலக3 துராசையில் உழல விடாதுஅருளுவாய்
மாரிதானே எனாக் கோரினாராருமே நாரியே! நலமுறவே
4.நாராயணி திருமகளுடனே பா4ரதியுமே பத3மது3 தொழுதி3ட3
ஸதா3 இனிமையான இசை உளமதா3கு நசை' பெருகி3 ஓட3 இசை'அருளுவாய்
பாச'மதே3 சூழ விடா3மே அருள்வாய் ஈச்'வரியே உனத3டை3க்கலமே!
என நீ வரவே பரிபூரண பை4ரவி நான் நாளும் உனைத் துதித்தனனே!
And here is a rendition by myself from 2009 (Hope it is not too painful. It's certainly not how I would sing now in 2019!) :
Phew! That is a bit of tamizh! It took me ages to understand and decipher the meaning of each word. Here is a rendition of it by myself. I learnt this from Hema Akka, who is a disciple of Chittappa and stays at Mumbai. (Can't thank her enough for sharing this with me!)
This svarajati is actually comparable to amba kAmAkSi in terms of the quality of bhairavi and intensity of the lyrics. The pallavi starts with a beautiful svarAkSaram at nI.
"nI aruLAyO tAyE", says Ponniah, meaning, "Oh Mother (tAyE) . Oh nIlAyatAkSi (One with great blue eyes), grace (aruLAyO) me!"
"nI aruLAyO tAyE", says Ponniah, meaning, "Oh Mother (tAyE) . Oh nIlAyatAkSi (One with great blue eyes), grace (aruLAyO) me!"
caraNam 1
In the first caraNam, zri Ponniah extols ambAL as
" nI dAnE nigar illAda mAta" : You (nI) are the mother (mAtA) with no parallel (nighar illAda) "
" nI dAnE nigar illAda mAta" : You (nI) are the mother (mAtA) with no parallel (nighar illAda) "
"anAdI" : without a beginning : an+Adi. This should bring to mind the phrase "anAdi nidhanam viSnum....." from viSNu sahasranAmam
"nILum" : Long, expansive.
"tamizhisaiyE": One who is in the form of tamizh music.
The adjective nILum can be used for tamizh, which is an expansive language or for isai, which is a veritable ocean. Hence, nILum tamizhisaiyE could mean "One who is the form of tamizh music which is infinitely expansive" or "One who is of the form the infinitely expansive tamizh language and music"
The svarAkSrams in the first line of this caraNam blend smoothly with the mood of the song.
ambAL is described as one without a parallel. Great devotees have always described their iSTa dEvatAs as one with no second because they have seen the Ultimate in their respective deity. That is the objective of the advaita philosophy. saguNatvam gradually develops into nirguNatvam. That is when the sAdhaka has realised the truth. At this point, let us pray for all of us to reach that state!
In the vivEka cUDAmaNi, zrI Adi zaGkara describes the brahman to have no beginning or end, one without second, pure conciousness, without any blemish, quiet and beyond all actions (verse 237). This has been expressed beautifully in this caraNam (isn't ambAL a form of saguNa brahman??)
ambAL is called as "saGgIta rasikA" in many works like the zyAmaLA daNDakam. Here, Ponniah Pillai has extolled ambAL to be the form of tamizh music itself. A reference to verse 66 of Soundarya Lahari (vipaJcyA gAyantI) should be of relevance here.) Adi zaGkara explains the beauty of ambAL's sweet voice that puts even kalaivANi to shame!
ambAL is called as "saGgIta rasikA" in many works like the zyAmaLA daNDakam. Here, Ponniah Pillai has extolled ambAL to be the form of tamizh music itself. A reference to verse 66 of Soundarya Lahari (vipaJcyA gAyantI) should be of relevance here.) Adi zaGkara explains the beauty of ambAL's sweet voice that puts even kalaivANi to shame!
caraNam 2
In this caraNam, zrI Ponniah beseeches the Goddess for Her karuNA kaTAkSam:
Oh visAlAkshI, one with wide eyes! Your feet (caraNiyE) grant mOkSa i.e communion (sEr) with the Ultimate (paripUram) ! Kindly shower your grace (aruL) on me (emai), by making me serve (sEvai tandumE) your Lotus Feet (pAda paduma).
Oh visAlAkshI, one with wide eyes! Your feet (caraNiyE) grant mOkSa i.e communion (sEr) with the Ultimate (paripUram) ! Kindly shower your grace (aruL) on me (emai), by making me serve (sEvai tandumE) your Lotus Feet (pAda paduma).
and entreats Her as follows: " Grant graciously (aruLuga) to those who always (nitam) utter (enuvOr) perpetually (satam) your name(unaiyE ) (actually, this should translate as: Those who always consider you as the Ultimate). Would you not put an end (thavirAyO) to my troubles (vinai) ?
ambAL who is the ultimate truth is permanent and free from changes i.e. nirvikalpa and avyaya. She is eternal i.e nityA.
caraNam 3:
This is the most beautiful of the caraNams, with beautiful swarAkSarams and lyrics:
ambAL is described as: (ah! enna kalpanai!)
ambAL is described as: (ah! enna kalpanai!)
pAparaniDap-pAlamarum tAyE: The Mother (tAyE) ,Who is seated (amarum) on the left (pAl) of paramESvara (paran) who has a snake around his neck ( pArppu)!
He says: " Oh Mother (ambA)! Oh pArvatI (nAriyE)! You are the one who , on seeing the galore (migha) of sinful deeds (pApa karumam) in the world (pAriDam), and the world (ulaga) suffering (karAvenum) while being entangled unsteadily ( uzhala) in the evils (durAshaiyil) of the carAcaram, i.e the realms of the animate and inanimate things which are intoxicated by lust (mada), showers grace (aruLuvai mAri) ceaselessly (viDAdu) by fighting against them Yourself (tAnEp pOri) "
He says: " Oh Mother (ambA)! Oh pArvatI (nAriyE)! You are the one who , on seeing the galore (migha) of sinful deeds (pApa karumam) in the world (pAriDam), and the world (ulaga) suffering (karAvenum) while being entangled unsteadily ( uzhala) in the evils (durAshaiyil) of the carAcaram, i.e the realms of the animate and inanimate things which are intoxicated by lust (mada), showers grace (aruLuvai mAri) ceaselessly (viDAdu) by fighting against them Yourself (tAnEp pOri) "
This is veritably what the Lord says in the bhagavad gItA :
"paritrANAya sAdhUnAm vinAshAya ca duSkRtAm
dharma samsthApanArthAya sambhavAmi yugE yugE" (chapter 4, verse 8)
dharma samsthApanArthAya sambhavAmi yugE yugE" (chapter 4, verse 8)
When there is excessive adharmA in the world, the Lord Himself will take birth amidst us to fight it!
caraNam 4:
Oh nArAyaNi! You are worshipped (tozu) by mahAlakSmI (tirumagaL) and sarasvati (bhArati). You will always grant (us) with delightful music (inimaiyAna isai) , affectionate heart (uLamadAgu nasai) , and harmony with everyone (perugiyODa isai). Kindly grace (us) (aruLAi) by not letting (viDAmE) (us) get bound (sUzha) by passions (pAsam), oh Goddess (IshvariyE)! You are my refuge (aDaikkalam) ! With all modesty (nANAlum) , I pray (tudittu) to You, Oh Goddess Bhairavi; please deign to come (varavE) !
On a light note, the first line of this caraNam reminds me of the argument between the three Goddesses in the movie sarasvati sabadam!
The prayer in the following lines is so moving. We badly need good music (this svarajati is one definite example), harmony and peace these days.
The mettu of the last line is mind blowing. It gives such a lingering climax to this mammoth composition!
The prayer in the following lines is so moving. We badly need good music (this svarajati is one definite example), harmony and peace these days.
The mettu of the last line is mind blowing. It gives such a lingering climax to this mammoth composition!
May the Goddess shower us with music of supreme quality and free us from our bondages by blessing us with the knowledge of the Ultimate!
Kindly bring any errors to my notice. I guess many interpretations of most of the words here may be possible. Kindly suggest if you can interpret anything differently. I am no tamizh expert, as my nearest kin would love to vouch for ; I decided to try to translate this svarajati in order to, perhaps, "initiate" some thought process over this brilliant composition.
zri kRSNArpaNamastu!
P.S.: Fonts on this page are disturbing because of reasons I am not able to decipher. Will try to find out soon.
1 comment:
A REAL GOOD SERVICE ,Gokul to understand the depth of this swarajathi both musicwise and lyricswise.
By the by,how do I download your recording into my laptop?
Neyveli Santhanagopalan.
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