Happy Pongal and Makara Sankranti!
I thought I'l postpone gurulEka for later for the sake of Akshay, a dear old friend who gave me good company and support during his days at VNIT( He is a year senior to me) . He asked to post this composition, so here it is.
This composition is a very popular one in nAttai. But first something about the composer: Sri Puliyur Duraiswami Iyer. The following has been taken from karnatik.com:
"Also known as Panchanatha Iyer or Manattattaai Duraiswami Aiyar, the father of Maha Vaidyanatha Iyer, he himself was a renowned musician. He lived in Vaiyacheri, a small village in Tanjore district, with his wife Arundati. Duraiswami was proficient in Tamil, Telugu and Sanskrit. Once while he was singing Thyagaraja's "Chakkani Raja" (Kharaharapriya), Sri Thyagaraja, who was passing by, blessed him saying that his two sons would become very famous in music. Duraiwami had four sons - Sambamurthy, Ramaswami, Vaidyanathan and Sivaraman (or Appaswami). They belonged to Koundinya Gothram and Brahacharanam sect. Duraiswami found that Ramaswami and Vaidyanathan evinced keen interest in music and trained them in singing. Among his well-known compositions are sarasiruhAsana priyE, and the dasaragamalika varnam Intha Gopa.''
Here are the lyrics:
sarasIruhAsanapriyE amba
sadA - vINAgAnapriyE sadAnandahrdayE mayi - sadayE
zaraNAgatam mAmava! manjuLa - caraNakisalayE
sammOdita - kavijana - hrdayE sarOja nilayE maNi valayE
sarasIruhAkSiyugaLE amba
zaraNagata - dIna- vatsalE amba
zaradindu - sundara - vadanE vimalE
sarasvatI satidEzikanuta - gunazAlE
satatam - vidyAlOlE sadA - suzIlE
sAmbujakumbhastana - yugaLE dhavalE
sakala - sAmrAjyaprada - karadhrta - pustakajAlE
(Pl note that "z" refers to the letter "श " : and "S" refers to "ष" .Kindly go through the transliteration scheme given at the end.)
As the reader might surely know, this is a composition on Sri sarasvati, the Goddess of learning.
The composer first describes Goddess Sarasvati as " sarasIruhAsanapriyE", the one who is enamoured (priyA) of sitting (Asana) on the lotus (sarasIruha). Next he calls her : "sadAvINAgAnapriyE" , the one who is always (sadA) in love (priyA) with the music (gAna) of the vINA. "sadAnandahrdayE" means one whose heart (hrdayA) is always (sadA) blissful (Ananda). "mayisadayE" refers to the one who is merciful towards me.
This is perhaps the only composition of Puliyoor Doraiswamy Aiyyar that is sung on the concert stage. And he is no mean composer! This one composition is enough to prove his expertise and command over the sanskrit language and the musical technicalities.
In the anupallavi, Sri Doraiswamy says:
Protect (ava) me ( mAm), who has sought (Agata) refuge (zaraNa) (zaraNAgatam) in you. Then he calls zAradAmbAL by the following epithets:
manjuLa caraNa kisalayE: The one with feet which are lovely (manjuLa) like a tender foliage (kisala) i.e one with adorable and tender feet.
sammodita kavijana hrdayE: one whose heart (hrdaya) delighted (samodita) by poets (kavijana)
saroja - nilayE : one who resides (nilaya) on a lotus (saroja)
maNi - valayE : one who wears a with bracelet (valaya) of gems (maNi)
In the caraNam too, the composer describes zAradA devi with many names:
sarasIruhAkSIyugaLE : one who has a pair (yugaLa) of eyes (akSha) like a lotus (sarasIruha)
zaraNAgata - dIna - vatsalE : one who is affectionate (vatsala) towards the poor (or needy) (dIna) who seek (Agata) her zaraNa ( refuge) .
zaradindu - sundara - vadanE : one whose face (vadana) is as beautiful (sundara) as the autumnal (zarad) moon (indu) (or the moon during the winter season)
vimalE: one who is pure
satidEzikanuta - gunazAle : (not so sure what this means, any suggestions???) dEzika means "illustrious preceptor" , and isn't mahezvara the parama guru? sati could refer to ambAL. So I guess Sri Doraiswami means: one who is praised (nuta) by durgA (sati) and dezika ( ziva) and who is virtuous (guNazAlE).
satatam - vidyAlOlE : one who is a constant (satatam) enjoyer (lOla) of knowledge (vidyA)
sadA - suzIlE : one who is always (sadA) of virtuous conduct (suzilA)
sAmbujakumbhastana - yugaLE : one whose pair (yugaLa) of breasts (stana) are round (sAmbuja: sa+ ambuja, ambuja means 'moon' as well as 'lotus' ,'sa' could convey 'like' so i am interpretting this word as 'round like the moon'; any suggestions??) like the pitcher (kumbha)
dhavaLE: one who is fair
sakala - sAmrAjyaprada- karadhrta - pustakajAlE : one who bestows (prada) the entire (sakala) empire (sAmrAjya) (or imperial wealth) and who holds (dhrta) a collectection (jAla) of books (pustaka) in Her hands (kara).
I am actually surprised I never bothered to check the meanings of so many words out here. The words are not so easy as they sound. I had to check and recheck before posting! Thanks to Akshay for having prompted me to write about this composition.
The best part about this composition is its rhythm. The perfect madhyama kAlam is just about right to sing this in the beginning of the kutcheri. It surely sets the pace and mood for the concert. It is so full of lyrics that it feels like you are singing the actual svarAs. That is the mark of great composers. They never sacrifice sahityabhAva for rAgabhAva or vice versa. A friend of mine at college asked me whether I compose. I couldn't say anything to him at that time but looking at this beautiful composition, I feel that even if I can string two words like this together, my life's cause would be served!
May the Goddess Sarasvati shower her grace on all of us!
Sri KriSNArpaNamastu!
(The transliteration scheme that I have used: (The Harvard Kyoto scheme)
a A i I u U R RR lR lRR e E ai o O au M H
k kh g gh G c ch j jh J
T Th D Dh N t th d dh n
p ph b bh m y r l v z S s h
O: elongated o
E: elongated e )
P.S. I often use 'E' instead of 'e' in words like priye, valaye, etc
because the 'e' has to be elongated. In sanskrit words, I mostly make use of 'E';
eg: gaNEza
thanks a lot!!! :)
Quite helpful and a wonderful explanation of the song.
I was searching for you in the net, as my Kalyani Teacher ( Smt. Kalyani Sharma) told me to contact you for my Thatha's (Sri.K S Narayanaswami) audio collections. My friend and one of Thatha's Shishyas, Mrs.Jayshree Arvind gave me your full name in 2011. Since then I was searching for you.
Came across your blogs, today. Started reading.. and I do not know how to thank you for this Sahitaym of "Sarasiruhaasana priye..". Presently I am in Tanzania and I am yet to bring the book of Kalyani Teacher's, where she has given the entire collection of all the Kritanams used play by thatha.
I have listened to your Begada Varnam in youtube. It is very good.
I totally agree with you on "Vilambam". I always wanted to have a collection of Kritis like:Chetasri Balakrishnam, Sri Subramaniyaya namaste, Vadanyeswaram,Sri Dhakshinamurte...played by KSN (Veena)or KVN (Vocal) or Played or sung by Kalyani Teacher..Do you have them? if so, pl inform me (I am K S Padma - paddyjuly4@gmail.com)
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